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Oral and Maxillofacial Treatment

“Mouth is a mirror of the body which reflects systemic disease” by Sir Williams Osler, as per the quotation, diagnosis of oral manifestations of systemic diseases by a dental surgeon will help to diagnose systemic diseases. Thus, an oral medicine expert plays an important role & help medical profession to diagnose systemic disease.

“Oral Medicine and Radiology” is that branch of dental science which deals with the study of oral & maxillofacial diseases, oral manifestations of systemic diseases, systemic diseases caused by oral focal sepsis and their diagnosis by modern scientific methods with their medical management of different drugs & other therapeutic modalities.

Oral mucosa is affected with different types of diseases with different etiological factors like Genetic, Developmental, inflammatory, Hormonal, Nutritional deficiency, custom and habits. Each disease appears as a lesion in the surface of oral mucosa with characteristic clinical findings. These lesions are classified into White lesions, Red lesions, pigmented lesions, Vesicullobullous lesions, Ulcers, growths, allergic and toxic lesions. This classification is made based on the clinical appearance of the lesion. Oral mucosal lesions that are caused by betel nut,betel leaf,lime and tobacco,only tobacco and panmasala, gutkha varieties are very much concern has these lesions are turning into oral cancer.

Dr. Mogit who has specialized in the field of “ Oral Medicine and Radiology” deals with

  • Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases like ulcers, infections, pre cancer, cancer etc.
  • Diagnosis of medical diseases with oral symptoms and treatment of those diseases medically.
  • Dealing the medically compromised patients.
  • Medical treatment to be given to all those diseases of oral and maxillofacial region particularly the various oral mucosal lesions which are of non surgical in nature.
  • Otoscopic examination

  • Pediatric Dentistry

  • Porcelain Veneers

  • Endoscopic examination