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Dental Implants

People who are missing teeth may it be one or all are candidates for an implant. If a person is missing 1 or few teeth then dental implants along with a crown /bridge can be used to replace the missing teeth and these manmade teeth function as good as natural teeth and there is no further loss of bones and decay .If a person is missing all teeth then implant is used to anchor loose denture. In some cases when bones are lost; bones can be regenerated with the technique of bone expansion which further helps in implants

A dental implant is manmade replacement in place of the natural teeth which enables a person to have fixed teeth. Dental implants are different from transplants taken from others. What category of dental transplant is suitable for a patient depends on the individual need and condition of the teeth. An x-ray is required to check the number of bones remaining; space available in the mouth .The dentist does a examination before finalizing which type of implant should be done.

Dental implant is a advance procedure hence it takes time of say 4-9 months or even more depending upon the individual case. The dentist does provide temporary teeth during this period and the patient is never without teeth.

There is a little discomfort at the time of the procedure but patient sedation and anesthesia are used to reduce the discomfort. Most of the patients experience pain for 2-3 days after the implant/surgery. Dentists also give medicines to reduce the pain and avoid any type of discomfort.

The body can reject soft tissue transplants i.e. kidney, lung, heart transplant but there is no rejection to dental implant by the body. There are chances of failure because of factors such as lack of focus on implant/some other condition, misalignment or diseases the patient suffers from. Dental implants use titanium material that is bio compatible i.e. it is compatible with the tissues of the body. Titanium is widely used now days to replace parts of the body.

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